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Content Warnings for Kea's Landing: Appendix 3

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3. Disabled characters

There are scenes where a villain makes derogatory statements against disabled people and sabotages their accommodations.

The narrator's story alternates with diary entries from a mentally and physically disabled character growing up in the ship's past, who faced the oppression and censorship of that time and built a parallel group of friends to share secret thoughts in their own way.

The story in these diary entries involves some struggles typical of teenage years, such as the character's loneliness and unrequited love. She also faces societal prejudice against multiple aspects of her identity, as well as fearing for her life when building her secret resistance, and suffering injury from frostbite during a heat failure.

One minor character in her group disappears and is not heard from again, which in the context is likely to mean death.

For the entire book, the fate of the diary writer is unknown, and it is uncertain whether or not she is still alive. However, the ending suggests a hopeful hypothesis about where she is now, and sets up the following book to have her story as a continued plotline.

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