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Content Warnings for Kea's Migration: Appendix 3

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3. Disabled characters

There are scenes where a villain makes derogatory comments about disabled people and sabotages their accommodations.

There are scenes in a dystopian eugenicist regime where anyone known to be disabled is killed or forcibly cured. Offstage, this regime tortures one of the protagonists, and causes the death of another.

There is a scene where the narrator suffers food poisoning in the form of vomiting and diarrhea (this is not described in detail, and she recovers in the course of one night alone in her bathroom).

The story continues to alternate with diary entries from the disabled character in the past, bringing her story closer to the present.

Some of the diary writer's friends disappear and are not heard from again, which in the context is likely to mean death.

There is also a conflict between her and another disabled character over whether their disabilities should be cured.

She goes through a dangerous ordeal that involves running away to the woods, having her wheelchair fall over, and nearly dying alone.

But at the end, she is alive and happy (having received advanced disability accommodations, but not a cure).

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