Books by Erika Hammerschmidt

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Kea's Landing

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A book cover with the title KEAS LANDING and the author ERIKA HAMMERSCHMIDT. Shows a young woman and a humanoid dragon walking on a woodland path. They are approaching a futuristic city, but the woman is focused on a reading tablet in her hand. Above them is an image of a face wearing electrodes on the temples, amid a school of clownfish.

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Second book in the Kea series.

Kea's Flight - Kea's Landing - Kea's Migration

First published in December 2021.

What if they reach a planet and someone's already there? Also, what if Kea and her group weren't the only secret resistance on the Flying Dustbin in the days of BG rule? Two adventures: life on a new planet, and a mystery about the ship's past.

If you read the book and have thoughts on it, please, please let me know at humanalien at gmail dot com. All feedback will go toward helping me craft the best possible final version of this series, some day in the future.


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The revolution is over. Kea has overthrown the Board, and inherited the office of Optimizer. Together with Draz and Monarch, she now commands the starship that has always been her home. Young, socially challenged and inexperienced with power, she struggles with her fear of turning into the monsters that came before her.

Meanwhile, she faces a mystery. She and Draz have found the diary of an enigmatic young writer named Mara, who has created a secret world of friendships and fairy tales: a homemade society of resistance parallel to their own.

But while they unravel the question of who Mara is, and what became of that rebel group, their own voyage comes to a stunning and sudden end.

Without warning, they find themselves in a world that's both human and alien, caught in an otherworldly conflict involving genetic weapons, extreme body modifications, cloned spies, language barriers... and even parrots.

(Features a disabled transgender rebellion leader, a socialist transhumanist not-quite-utopia, lots of fiction-within-fiction, lots of backstory about the Flying Dustbin, some scary ableist villains, and a gazillion times more Nature and Food and Pretty Things than the first novel!)

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Kea's Flight

Kea's Landing

Kea's Migration

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