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Logical and Preposterous

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A book cover titled LOGICAL AND PREPOSTEROUS, with the subtitle SF SHORT STORIES and the author ERIKA HAMMERSCHMIDT. A simple outer space scene showing one blue-colored planet on a background of stars

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Book 3 of 3 in the "If The World Ended" series:

Lonely and Precocious - Loving and Precarious - Logical and Preposterous

Logical and Preposterous: A Short Story Collection

("The one that just keeps screwing with your mind")

A grandpa attacks Santa Claus. A palindrome artist redefines fiction. A telepathic vampire tries to change humanity, and a genie goes atomic.

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This is the final volume of the three-book series adapted from my original short story collection, If the World Ended, Would I Notice? and Other Stories.

The title comes from one of the stories in the original version-- an expression of emotions I often had, when feeling isolated from the outside world. I often thought about the world ending, and often wondered how long it would take me to notice.

The original book was a widely varied mixture of science fiction, fantasy, and genre-blurring gray area. World-ending scenarios were part of it, but not really an overarching theme. I remember I wanted to get the book out in 2012, on that year's wave of apocalyptic speculation, but things happened and it was delayed until 2013.

Short stories aren't all I do. I have a memoir about my childhood, a collection of strips from my webcomic, and a science fiction novel.

I have come to realize, though, that I'd like more people to see my short stories.

So I'm republishing If the World Ended, Would I Notice? and Other Stories as three books: Lonely and Precocious, Loving and Precarious, and Logical and Preposterous.

I have tried to separate these genre-diverse works into three thematically distinct volumes. And for this book I have written one entirely new story, Rip Skills. I've also added more illustrations, so each story now has at least one picture hand-drawn by me.

The book you're reading now is the third volume, Logical and Preposterous.

While the first two books explored the social isolation of outsiders and then the social tumult of those in relationships, this book dives into the inner workings of those weird and solitary minds.

It deals with the creative reasoning of those who think outside the box, generating insights that make sense when logically analyzed, and yet set off the mind's nonsense alarms when processed by emotion. Sometimes it explores those insights in the isolation of a character's mind, and other times it throws them into the sphere of public opinion and chronicles the chaos and conflict that ensue between different-minded characters.

The first and second volumes, which you may or may not have read already, are called Lonely and Precocious and Loving and Precarious. Please take a look, if you're interested.

Welcome to my world.

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